Learn the skill for using hand tools at height

Learn the skill for using hand tools at height

It’s a phrase we often hear: “safety first.” However, until recently, this concept wasn’t widely embraced by many of the thousands of workers in the UK who operate at heights, along with the companies that hire them. It’s not that these workers and employers were intentionally neglecting safety; rather, it

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A team of construction workers engaged in a height safety training course, demonstrating the proper use of Fall Arrest and Fall Restraint Systems to lower a harnessed worker.

How To Avoid The Devastating Effects Of Suspension Intolerance

When operatives are suspended in mid-air after a fall, their lives hang in the balance – even if they have survived the fall without a scratch. Every second counts. The intention of this guidance is to help you fully understand the implications of an operative falling, being arrested and then

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Construction worker testing safety on site

How to Test A Tool Lanyards Safe Working Load

All structurally rated fall arrest tool lanyards should be subjected to both dynamic and static tests, these follow the models that are used to test safety harnesses and tool lanyards for PPE, incorporating the procedures set out in the article 11B of the Council Directive. Dropped tool prevention products should

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Man wearing height safety kit safely climbing a ladder

How to stay safe when using a ladder at work

Did you know that approximately 400 serious injuries and 15 deaths involving safety ladders occur in the UK each year? If an untrained worker dies or gets seriously injured from falling off a ladder, what excuse could the employer provide? Take responsibility and equip your workforce with the necessary training

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